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An informative, entertaining mom-blog to help, support, inspire and encourage parents (of all levels)
PK Travels.JPG
Travel far and travel often (yes, with kids)
Stories for
soon-to-be mamas
Breastfeeding tricks of the trade

Hi, I'm Tori. I am a mom of three beautiful girls: Piper Kai (4), Jovie Birch (2), and Brinley Finn (10 mo.) I'm a marketer by trade, athlete by choice, mother and wife of a traveling professional husband.


What I've learned over my 4 year crash course in motherhood is I've learned a great deal that others found valuable and might just be helpful to you in your journey - and if nothing else keep you entertained.


I hope you enjoy my stories, find them fun and feel free to join the conversation. 

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